Monday, January 6, 2014

Now the problems

I found this while cleaning the case.  It looks as though the head was over-torqued at the factory.  I have been told to just "run it" but I am looking into possible getting it welded.  
Cannondale corporation went bankrupt in January of 2004 because they were not making a profit on the moto's they were selling.  They were doing a lot of warrantee's on engines that would blow up.  I have done a lot of research on the engine problems.  Most engines were blowing up due to the type of connecting rod bearing being used in the crank.  It would develop up and down play due to the bearing not having enough needle bearings supporting the contact area's.  When the bearing would finally fall a part it would get cycled throughout the engine.  The other major problem was the lack of locktite on the case plates.  The engine vibration would loosen these bolts and they also would cause major engine damage.  Their was a tech note on the bolts but not on the connecting rod bearing.  I think my crank is ok and I got to it before the bearing caused damage.  I sent the crank down to Crankworks in AZ to get the new Z400 bearing installed and to get balanced.

Luckily for a lot of C-Dale Moto owners there are still lots of parts still available from 3 different businesses.  After the bankruptcy ATK bought the rights, machinery and SOME left over stock of the C-Dale's.  ATK is one of the only American motorsports companies left still making product here in the USA.  Surprisingly they only fixed the few engine problems that plagued the engine.  Besides that the ATK's look the exact same as the Cannondale's did in 2004.  

I want to restore this Moto back to its original glory and of coarse do the key updates to keep the engine together.  I have ordered all the parts I need and am now in a waiting pattern until they arrive and the crank is ready to go.  I am also going to dual sport this bike to make it street legal.  One model was made street legal and sold in Europe.. 

1 comment:

  1. Hi OJ - very interesting blog. I have just bought an E440 in the UK, with just 3 miles on the Odo. Im desperate to find out more about the history over this side of the pond and info is very scarce. Not sure how many made it over here, but hard to believe I have the only one. Any info, or factual links (apart from what comes up in a typical search) would be most appeciated. Your specification chart was great, any chance of a clearer copy. Cheers
